Les Fusions-Acquisitions constituent l’un des trois principaux pôles d’activité du Cabinet. Disposant d’une expertise de premier plan, l’équipe accompagne ses clients – grands groupes industriels, investisseurs institutionnels et fonds d’investissement, français et internationaux – dans l’ensemble de leurs opérations stratégiques : croissance externe, désinvestissement, partenariat et réorganisation, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. L’équipe intervient notamment dans les secteurs suivants : transports, télécoms, énergie, banque-assurance, agro-alimentaire, santé et immobilier.
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22 Décembre 2023 Lacourte Raquin Tatar conseille EDF Invest
Acquisitions et cessions (sociétés et actifs)
Partenariats stratégiques, joint-ventures et pactes d’associés
Opérations et réorganisations de haut de bilan (fusions, scissions, apports)
Opérations de private equity et venture capital
Droit boursier et gouvernance
Investissement collectif immobilier
Contentieux entre associés et post-acquisitions
Lacourte Raquin Tatar has recently overseen high-calibre transactions within the banking and finance, transport/infrastructure and real estate sectors, among others. The department is led by Serge Tatar, who is likewise adept within the beverage and infrastructure fields and runs a workload spanning M&A, joint ventures, strategic partnerships and cross-border deals from both an inbound and outbound perspective; he is supported by Nicolas Jüllich, well-versed in spin-offs and demergers, as well as Renaud Rossa whose track record includes deals throughout Europe and Africa. Guillaume Roche rounds off the four-partner team, counting the corporate governance of listed companies among his key fields of expertise.
"Lacourte Raquin Tatar offers a very responsive and dedicated team."
"What we appreciate is the combination of very high-level legal skills and the understanding of each deal's business context."
"The Lacourte Raquin Tatar team has excellent understanding of all subjects and is always very responsive."