Lacourte Raquin Tatar has contributed to the July-August issue of DROIT&PATRIMOINE magazine with a comprehensive dossier devoted to work on existing buildings.
🔍 In this dossier, several themes are developed:
– Rehabilitation work: contractual management of discoveries during construction, Alexis Le Liepvre, partner, and Géraud de Puget, associate.
– Reuse of construction materials in real estate projects: where do we stand? Anne-Laure Gauthier, Damien Grosse, Julien Souyeaux, associates, and Louise-Victoire David, associate.
– Greening obligations for existing buildings, Emilie. Capron and Marie-Amélie Gros, partners, and Marlyn BALEMBOLO, associate.
– Work on existing buildings under town planning law, Anne-Laure Gauthier, associate.
This project would not have been possible without the collaboration of Chloé Tomeo, Compliance Manager – DPO at the Gecina Group, and Francois Godard and Vincent Maury of the STUDIOS Architecture agency, each of whom contributed a sector-specific perspective essential to a full understanding of the subject.
To read the whole report, click here.
Marlyn BALEMBOLOReal Estate Transactions
Alexis LE LIEPVRELitigation
Géraud DUPRÉ PUGETLitigation
Anne-Laure GauthierPublic Law
Louise-Victoire DAVIDReal Estate Transactions
Damien GROSSEReal Estate Transactions
Émilie CapronReal Estate Transactions
Marie-Amélie GROSReal Estate Transactions