Talents Promoting

The firm is constantly on the lookout for high-level associates and trainees.
The firm attaches particular importance to human and relational qualities, to the ability to think and to adapt, as well as to the willingness of candidates to invest themselves in a collective project.
The partners ensure the best professional training and the development of the know-how of the associates and trainees.

Our commitments

  • Autonomy

    We seek to create a bond of trust with our associates and commit ourselves, through regular progress reviews, to accompanying the development of their skills in order to lead them to autonomy and to the full practice of the legal profession.

  • Accountability

    We are committed to empowering our teams. Our associates work directly with partners and clients and are therefore quickly put in a position to give their best.

  • Transversality

    We strive to promote cross-work between teams to guarantee continuity in customer service and to decompartmentalize work. Our associates are involved in a variety of missions and are nourished by different practices.

  • Adaptability

    We value agile and versatile profiles, the ability to adapt and open up to new expertise in order to acquire a global and strategic vision of the issues at stake.

  • Excellence

    We are committed to delivering high quality work, with a constant demand for excellence at all levels, both professionally and personally.

  • Openness

    We attach great importance to respect and open-mindedness and make sure to surround ourselves with teams with different profiles, backgrounds, ways of thinking and skills.

Canditature Application form

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