22 January 2024 Colloquium: The scope of refusal messages sent by the clerk's office


Octave Hocher, associate in the litigation department of Lacourte Raquin Tatar, will be speaking at a conference organized by the Cour de cassation on February 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., alongside Antoine Kirry, lawyer, Charles Simon, lawyer, Maxime Barba, professor of law, Anne-Sophe Begey, director of court registry services at the Tribunal judiciaire de Paris, and Frédérique Marec, magistrate.


Introduced by a speech by Agnès Martinel, President of the Second Civil Chamber of the Cour de cassation, this meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the nature and legal effects of refusal messages from the clerk’s office.


To take part in this discussion, either in person or remotely, register by clicking on the following link:


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